Southwestern Chicken and Rice

Tyler this is for you and Marie. I love making this meal when I only have a little time to prepare dinner. I have made it with frozen chicken tenders before and it still turns out great. You cannot mess this recipe up and it is stinking good!

Southwestern Chicken and Rice

4 chicken breasts (or 9 tenders)
1 cup salsa
1 pkg taco seasoning
2 cups water
2 cups minute rice, uncooked
1 can black beans, drained
1 cup cheddar cheese (shredded)
sour cream and black olives, optional

Bring Chicken, salsa, taco seasoning and water to a boil in large skillet; cover. Simmer 10 minutes. Stir in rice and beans, sprinkle with cheese. Cover, cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Top with sour cream if desired. Enjoy! Printable recipe


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