My top 10

I have made a list of the top 10 recipes I want to make.  I will make an effort to rate each recipe after I make it with *.  If it is a recipe I love and will definitely make again, I will give it *****.  If making the recipe was a bad experience or one I don't think was worth the end result, I will give the recipe *.  I will review the recipe and any concerns that may have come up.  If there is anything you would like to see me attempt, please email me the recipe or I will find the recipe online, make it and review it. Let's get making.

 1.  French Bread
 2.  Bread Pudding
 3.  Dinner Rolls
 4.  Chicken Parmesan
 5.  Pecan Pie
 6.  Baked Spaghetti  Done 11/1/10  ****
 7.  Pie Crust
 8.  Filled Cupcakes
 9.  Taco Soup
10.  Sunday Pot Roast

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