Birthday Cakes

I love birthdays. We try to make birthdays in our family really special. For each of my kids birthdays I let them pick out a cake they want me to (attempt) make. Each of my three kids have picked out some really fun cakes that fit their personalities. A few years ago I came across this website and thanked my lucky stars for Karen Tack. She is the genius that wrote Hello, Cupcake and What's New, Cupcake? Take a look at some of the cakes I've made. Keep in mind I'm a cake-making novice.

Morgan's purse cake

Nate's monkey cake

Morgan's pizza cake

Andrew's horsey cake

Nate's space ship cake

Nate's sail boat cake

Andrew's snake cake


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1 Response to "Birthday Cakes"

  1. Jodi Jenson says:

    You are too nice. Thanks for being the only one to read my blog...I do it for you:)

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