Peaches and Cream

This is one of my absolute favorite peach desserts. My husband's grandma makes it perfectly. It is so fresh and delicious and peachy and crunchy at the same time. I can honestly eat piece after piece of this addicting creation
and before I know it there is an empty pan glaring at me. I get more requests for this dessert than any other dessert I make. Please try this recipe soon and be prepared to amaze your family and friends.

Fresh Peach Cheese Cake (no bake)
*By G.G. Rowe

Crust and topping:
2 1/2 cups graham crackers, crushed
1 cube butter
6 tablespoons powdered sugar
Mix together. Reserve 1/4 cup of the mixture for topping and put the rest
of the mixture in 9x13 pan. Smash down to form crust.

2 cups water
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 cup sugar
3 oz. package peach jell-o
4 cups fresh sliced peaches
Mix water, cornstarch and sugar, cook on medium heat until thick. Remove
from heat and add package of Peach jell-o. Let cool and add peaches. Pour
over crust and chill.

8 oz cream cheese
3 Tbsp milk
1 cup powdered sugar
2 cups cool whip or prepared whipping cream
Mix cream cheese, milk, and powdered sugar well. Then fold in
whipped topping. Spread on top of peach mixture, sprinkle
reserve crumbs over top and serve. Printable recipe


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