Amped up Oatmeal Cookies

Do you have a go-to cookie when you're craving something a little sweet, something a little chocolaty and something a little chewy? These cookies are just what you're looking for. This is the recipe on the lid of Quaker Oats but I added a few more things to make them even better (yes, it is possible).

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Fruity Valentines

Hey all, I am getting so excited for Valentines Day mostly because I'm excited to give my valentines the cute gifts and treats I have been posting lately.

Stop the presses! Take a look at these printables...this is what I'm talking about. Simple, subtle and sweet for your valentines who are on a health kick. I wouldn't mind a basket of these from my valentine! You can download and print these for FREE here! All you need is sticker paper, a 1" craft punch and your favorite fruit.

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Taco Sliders

A little something for your Superbowl fans to nosh on. Here is how you make them:

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I love breakfast. When we travel my only requirement of the hotel is to have a great breakfast buffet. I love eggs, pancakes, waffles, muffins, fruit, bacon...well, you get the idea. Sometimes my family gets breakfast for dinner. It is one of my kids' favorite dinners. I just came across a new breakfast recipe. Brace yourself for the...FRITTATA! It calls for a little of this and a little of that but the great thing about this recipe is you can customize your frittata. This is how I make mine:

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