Bountiful Baskets

Today was like Christmas. I picked up my first order from Bountiful Baskets. It was so easy to order. I went online on Monday, ordered and paid for my basket (regular or organic) and picked it up Saturday morning. I wasn't sure what to expect but my friend has been doing it for a few weeks and she loves it. I was way impressed with the quality of the produce as well as the organization. We were in and out in about 5 minutes. Look what I came home with!
Contents of my first Bountiful Basket:
9 Bosc pears
7 Fuji apples
9 bananas
9 lemons
1 bunch asparagus
1 bunch broccoli
3 grapefruit
5 tomatoes
1 green pepper
1 pineapple
1 green leaf lettuce
1 kale
The best part of all is I only spent $15 ($25 for organic) plus tax. I'm looking forward to cooking with this yummy fresh produce. Try Bountiful Baskets. You will love them.


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